The purpose of the session was to consider how we might increase enrollment or retention in the SHSM program.
Everyone in attendance worked in groups of four and participated in various activities. Firstly, every group brainstormed what students do, say, think, and feel with regard to the SHSM program, as well as what motivates the students. Secondly, everyone participated in a "Crazy Eights" activity where each student folded a piece of paper into eight sections. In each section, students drew an idea that they had to improve the SHSM program.
Next, each student drew their top three ideas onto a storyboard. Afterward, each group member put a dot beside the ideas that they liked from their other group members' storyboards in order to gauge which ideas were the most popular.
Finally, each group chose one idea that was practical/reasonable and was tasked with pitching it to the SHSM teachers on April 30, 2019.